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Partners: TTT, IFAG. IFAT, SYSGO, with support from HighTec


The laboratory demonstrator (TRL4) illustrates advanced deterministic networks combining best-in-class solutions from the automotive and aerospace worlds. The demonstrator showcases a novel drone avionics architecture proof-of-concept. Automotive and aerospace-grade components are the main building blocks of this solution. TTTech’s high-speed Deterministic Ethernet backbone is a key element of the demonstrator. It ensures Deterministic Ethernet-based data communication according to a pre-defined schedule with very high reliability, making it suitable for certifiable avionics in aeronautics and space. Infineon’s TÜV-certified automotive AURIX safety microcontroller, extended for multicore processing tasks and equipped with an innovative powered management IC, is deployed to guarantee functional safety up to the highest needs. In addition, the highly security- and safety-certified real-time operating system PikeOS by SYSGO has been integrated to support up to DAL A aerospace applications. The company HighTec supported this demonstrator integration providing a compiler for AURIX.




ADACORSA has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 876019.
The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Turkey.