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Partners: ESC


This use case demonstrates a capability of a multi-sensor multi-constellation PNT solution for precise drone navigation with a possibility to communicate the location of a drone during the whole flight, including areas with no LTE coverage. The functionality of communication unit delivering RTCM correction data for the onboard PNT during the whole flight will also be demonstrated. The communication unit selects the active communication channel based on the actual and predicted signal strength data. Demonstrated system will utilize two independent PNT solutions which will closely communicate with each other and will ensure the system receives resilient and accurate positioning information even in case of HW or SW failure.




ADACORSA has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 876019.
The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Turkey.